Puppet Master: Axis of Evil

Puppet Master Axis of Evil Otherwise known as Puppet MasterAxis of Evil directed by David DeCoteau Puppet Master III Toulons Revenge is the ninth official entry into the Puppet Master series of horror films.

The next day, Danny goes to visit his mother, Elma Erica Shaffer and his brother Don Taylor M. Graham. Don is being shipped off to war the following week. Meanwhile, the two Nazi assassins, Klaus Aaron Riber and Max Tom Sandoval, are heading to an Opera House in Chinatown, under orders from The Fhrer, where they meet a Japanese saboteur named Ozu Ada Zhou Fang. She tells them that shes under orders from The Emperor, which are for her and the Nazis to work together to take out an American bomb manufacturing plant, destroying Americas war efforts. To obtain this goal, it requires Max to go undercover and pretend to be of American descent and work at the plant, and to get close to the girl who runs the plants office, Beth Jenna Gallagher, who is coincidentally Dannys girlfriend. The next day, after bringing the puppets to life, Danny walks into the plant to show them to Beth, and sees Max there. Recognizing him as one of the assassins, he tries to warn Beth away from him, but she doesnt believe him.After Max leaves the plant, Danny follows him back to the Opera House, and uncovers their plan. Danny is seen by Max, and quickly leaves. Max calls the Bodega Bay Inn to find out where he lives and sends Klaus to Dannys mothers place where Elma and Beth are planning a bon voyage party for Don. Klaus shoots Elma, and kidnaps Beth, and also shoots Don when he unexpectedly comes home. Danny comes home to find Don bleeding to death, and after telling him what happened, thanks to Toulons diary, puts his brothers soul into Ninjas body. Danny and the puppets head out to the opera house to get Beth. Tunneler and Leech Woman kill Ozus men and Ninja and Pinhead kill Klaus. Danny saves Beth, but Ozu badly hurts Ninja, so Danny and Blade threaten Ozu with the active bomb to back off, which is taken by Max, and supposedly disables it. Ninja, with what little left of life he has, stabs Ozus sword into back killing him. Ozu takes off with Tunneler and supposedly Jester and Leech Woman ins

Source: Wikipedia